Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Favourites


Well, I sat down to write a post. What shall I write about. I have been pondering this question.

There are so many things yet nothing really jumps out at me. I read other blogs and everyone else has something to say, why not me.

So I thought, everyone seems to have something they do over and over. Like Hey Harriet with her Shadow Shot Sunday, which I have been meaning to join as it looks fantastic. And Memoirs of a T.S.U.N.A.M.I Girl with her Sunday Snapshot, by the way if you havent read Bec's Blog you should. Very interesting writings about a Brissy girl, just moved to London and her adventures, and she just happens to be my sister. But I digress. So I thought I need something that I do every week. Maybe not on a particular day as I dont know if it will happen that regularly, but something that does happen at least once a week.

So I decided on My Favourites. I know its been done. But I love looking at others blogs and seeing what they like, and cool things they have found. It will be mostly etsy stuff as that is where I seem to be spending my time lately. But any thing that takes my fancy.

Stay tune tomorrow for the first one.



Bec said...

Thanks for the shout out!! :-) Some of your favourite things could be "girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, brown paper packages tied up with string..."
Great idea - look forward to reading it!

Sarah said...

Great idea. I'm changing the name to 'A few of my favourite things'.

bubbachenille said...

Oh the " sound of music" is music to my ears!
One of my fave things, will be watching out for your fave things !